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Get 15% off with code DRFOLAKE from each BODYBIO product. Click here for info on the top-selling BODYBIO products, all of which I take.
But my all-time favorite BodyBio supplement is BobyBio PC, a phospholipid complex, containing phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylinositol. It is great for brain health and cell membrane health. I could immediately feel an improvement in my cognition and my gut health after starting BodyBio PC.
Other BodyBio products I love are Balance Oil, Butyrate, Glutathione, Fish Oil EPA & DHA, Calm, Elytes, individual and combo minerals, and Evening Primrose.

Primal Life Organics dental products saved my mouth once upon a time, when I was at the dentist’s every 3 months, with inflamed gums and unhealthy teeth and no effective treatment in sight. I started with their dental detox kit, with the best results I could hope for. So I continued to use their teeth powders and LED teeth whitening system that doubles as an anti-inflammatory for the gum, and all my oral issues became history. I switched to their bamboo sonic toothbrush and I’m now trying out their new nanohydroxyapatite mineral toothpaste. I almost forgot. They have other things too. Their deodorants are the longest-lasting and most effective natural deodorants on the market. Click here to get started.

Ameo Life has the best silver preparation on the market, and you can get 20% off of your first order by clicking here.
My absolute favorite product which I take every single day is their pH Balanced Alkaline Structured Silver. This was a huge biohack for Covid when I had it, especially gut Covid. Research has found that silver is effective against the SARS-CoV-2 virus at a concentration of 20 ppm. Well, this preparation is 30 ppm. When I ran out for a day (totally my fault), my symptoms regressed and as soon as the replacement arrived in the mail, I was back on track. Feeling bold? Get the gallon size as I do.

“We revolutionized home cooking in 2007 when we introduced the world to healthy ceramic nonstick, the first and best toxin-free alternative to traditional coatings.” –GreenPan
Oprah agrees and so do I.
How would you like to get 25% off of your purchase of toxin and PFAS-free nonstick cookware? Click here.

The Original Organic Castor Oil Liver Pack from Queen of The Thrones is one of my very favorite health products that I use every single night when I go to bed. It has been a game changer in balancing my hormones to manage PCOS, fibroids, acne as well as menopause. In addition to that, it helps me sleep better as well.
If you battle endometriosis, it will work magic for you as well. Thyroid issues? You need this. Hair loss, or scanty eyebrows? It’s for you too. Even constipation? Yes, it helps that too.
It really doesn’t get any better than that for an estrogen-dominant woman living with autoimmunity.
Run don’t walk to check out the product line on the website here and decide which one of these kits is best suited for you.

This very nifty Vielight brain photobiomodulation device has been a major saving grace for several years now when combating MS fatigue. I am not one to jump in the car to get to the spa to hop in an infrared sauna frequently. And even after I bought myself an infrared blanket at home, I still didn’t do much better. But I can do 20 minutes a day of the Vielight Duo on most days, so the red and near-infrared can fire up my mitochondria and give me energy. Check it out here and use this code FTMD10 to get 10% off. You can also call 1-877-355-8012 to place your order by phone, and give them the same code FTMD10 for your discount.

A Major Difference hit a home run with the IonCleanse Solo Ionic Detox Foot Bath, a recent discovery of mine in terms of personal use, though I have known about this mode of detox and AMD being the best on the market for almost a decade. It is gentle, safe, and easy to use with kids and my kiddo on the spectrum who is dealing with some critters in her body has been detoxing nicely with this device. The most noticeable immediate change for us is her improved emotional regulation. I also joined the party since I don’t believe there can be too much detoxing in this extremely toxic world of ours for us humans with methylation challenges. There is research to prove that this device helps the body excrete more Glyphosate and heavy metals. Get your device for the home here.

Chirp is the new Audible. Same books. They just cost waaaaayyyy less. I have 4 books in my library so far, and I paid less than $5 for each one. In fact, 3 of them cost $2.99, and 1 cost $4.99. I have saved $61.93 so far. Guess what else? Every week, they have a steep sale on a book, and they email you about it. Shut! Up! Right?! That’s what I said.
Would you like to get 50% off of an audiobook from Chirp? Then click here. Let’s start reading those books.

The Wahls Protocol
This is my MS Bible. If you haven’t read this book, you’re missing out on a lot of steps you could be taking to improve your baseline with MS through nutrition, and lifestyle. Go get you a copy here!

The Wahls Protocol Cooking For Life
This amazing cookbook is an accompaniment to the Wahls Protocol. It comes with pictures, and clear instructions on all kinds of foods from bone broth and sauerkraut, to healthy desserts, smoothies, and entre. Pick up your copy here!

Xlear Nose Spray
This has been my saving grace through the pandemic. This nose spray is effective against Sars-CoV-2. This is not woo-woo. There are papers published on this. Pick up several for you and your family members here!
The one occasion where I forgot to use this nose spray after I went to an event where I interacted with a lot of people, is the time that I developed Covid. If I start to feel something in my throat or sinuses, and I start to use this spray, the symptoms resolve.

In my opinion, this is the most potent antioxidant. It’s a hack for MS symptoms, vaccine reactions, Covid, and so many conditions that cause excess inflammation in the body. Get yours here!
Guess what else it does? It’s a natural sunscreen. It protects you from any adverse effects of sun exposure. No more excuses. Get that sunlight for Vitamin D, infrared and other benefits.

Elderberry with Zinc
This has been my saving grace through this pandemic, and even prior. This combo taken daily strengthens your immunity. Taken for an acute viral illness, it shortens the duration of the illness. My daughter has been taking elderberry with zinc gummies since she was a toddler. If she started to feel something coming on, and we gave her the gummies, she would not go on to a full viral illness. And if she was already ill, she would get over it fast. Then we started to take the adult version and had the same effects. Get yours here!

Children's Elderberry
My daughter has been taking elderberry with zinc gummies since she was a toddler. If she started to feel something coming on, and we gave her the gummies, she would not go on to a full viral illness. And if she was already ill, she would get over it fast. Try it for your kids here!

Elderberry Zinc Lozenges
This has been another saving grace for my family through this pandemic, and even prior. It is a personal favorite of my husband’s and for many years, mine as well. Though it is gluten-free, it does contain some cane sugar and honey that make it yummy but also on my list of what to avoid currently, so I don’t currently indulge. This combo taken daily strengthens your immunity. Taken for an acute viral illness, it shortens the duration of the illness. Grab yours here!