Turn an overwhelmed life with MS into a fulfilled life

Teaching women with MS how to live with fewer symptoms and flares, improve daily functioning and overall quality of life, and thrive with MS

Has MS Completely Taken Over Your Life?!

Endless Appointments

…doctor’s appointments, procedures, and PT visits, yet there is no end in sight to your chronic pain, spasticity, and endless pain medications

Onslaught Of Symptoms

…fatigue, brain fog, and bladder issues that run your calendar due to limitations to your activities with family, friends, and colleagues

Mood Issues

…depression and anxiety that you can’t seem to shake, leaving you with this deep sense of despair almost all the time

Inability To Plan

…that constant fear that what MS holds for your future is an unrelenting decline and you don’t know how to turn it around

This Is What It Could Look Like Instead…

Dancing while Thriving with PPMS

…days, weeks or months on end without debilitating symptoms such as pain, spasticity, depression, & anxiety because your inflammation is dialed down and your body is no longer screaming

…once again experience the joy of living, being excited to wake up to a new day because you can actually do simple things you enjoy like the movies, the park, dancing, or a date with the love of your life

…go on that dream hiking trip around the world without needing to pack a ton of special gear and without fear of not being able to keep up, or fear of what the temperature changes might do to you


I’m Dr. Folake Taylor

I’m an internal medicine physician turned MS Recovery Expert & Educator, and I am thriving with PPMS.

My favorite thing to witness is to see the eyes of a woman with MS light up with renewed hope when she learns the steps to getting better.

I believe that by utilizing appropriate holistic modalities to target root causes, the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis can be reversed.

That is how I reversed the physical and cognitive disabilities from PPMS that upended my world for close to a decade. How I went from NOT thriving with PPMS, to crushing it.

As a person who was not always thriving with PPMS, I know how you feel. The frustration, the despair, the lost hope & dreams…

I’m working with dozens of women, and we are healing together while forming a bond and sisterhood that transcends anything we’ve all ever experienced. This is the path to thriving with MS.

Dr Folake thriving with PPMS

The Shocker!

As a Western medicine-trained physician diagnosed with PPMS in 2016, I was shocked to realize that Western medicine had no medication for PPMS!

Can you relate to the horror? 😱 It was both a personal and professional blow to me.

Having no choice, I dialed in more on the holistic practices I had adopted since I became disabled in 2014.

What we eat, drink, listen to, watch, think, and believe, can either nourish us or harm us.

The Aha!

However, holistic modalities alone did not manage my PPMS, as I continued to decline fast…

So when Ocrevus (DMT) came on the market in 2017 as the first and only medication to treat PPMS, I got on it.

But Western Medicine alone also did not manage my PPMS. Ocrevus helped slow the decline but my daily symptoms without holistic practices were in the gutter despite being on other medications.

To manage PPMS, I needed a combo of Western & Functional medicine/ holistic modalities, otherwise known as the Integrative Medicine model. I was at my best when maximizing both.

I then crafted my life around faith & mindset, nutrition, lifestyle, fitness, rehabilitation, detoxification, supplements, biohacking, and medication.

My Message to YOU!

Holistic modalities can heal your body at the cellular level. But it could take time because healing & recovery are not an event or destination, but rather a process and a journey.

I am currently DMT-free and thriving, after being on Ocrevus for 7 years for which I am super thankful because it enabled me to catch up with myself and implement more holistic practices.

Why I do what I do: I don’t ever want another woman with MS to feel alone and lost like I did in my darkest days with PPMS.

As I’m thriving with PPMS, come along with me so you too can thrive with MS.

While your doctor is doing their thing, you can also do some extra things that complement each other.

Though no two people with MS are the same, and everyone does not recover to the same degree, wouldn’t you like to find out what is possible for you?

You need a guide. Let’s connect.

I am your MS Recovery Expert & Educator!

#MSEducator #DocWithMS

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Folake, we’re both internal medicine docs, we were great physicians, and then we got the real education of our lives that transformed everything.

I love the work that you are doing, and giving hope to everyone. Progressive MS is very tough, but I’ve come back from profound disability, Folake’s come back from profound disability so you can have hope that you too can come back even from profound disability. 

Thriving with MS

Terry Wahls, MD.

MS Researcher, MS & Neuroimmune Summit 2023

What Does Disability Look Like These Days?

Move the slider to the left or right to view the before and after scenarios…


  • Mobility aids
  • Ocrevus DMT
  • Chronic pain, on narcotics
  • Sleeping in a zero gravity chair X 6 years-
  • Held together with back and joint braces, KT Tapes, silver-infused shorts…
  • Multiple food sensitivities, Candida overgrowth, gut dysbiosis…
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog and more


  • No mobility aid
  • DMT-free (Joint decision with neurologist)
  • Free of chronic pain
  • Sleeping in a bed with the husband
  • Re-introducing foods that I was sensitive to for years
  • I started my own business
  • Focused on self-care, nervous system regulating activities, and gratitude
  • I am truly thriving with PPMS…

You deserve to enjoy a full life that is not completely taken over by multiple sclerosis


In MS Mastery®, we know you want to thrive with multiple sclerosis. But in order to do that, you must first gain better control of your MS course. The problem is that you have these debilitating symptoms and you don’t know how to mitigate them, which makes you feel depressed and anxious. We believe that you deserve to live life on your terms, and we understand that the burden of symptoms with MS makes this impossible. This is why we created this program.

  • MS Mastery® is a 12-week MS recovery program, that includes a self-study core content, where you get a pre-recorded module each week (suggested pace but you have full access) that addresses everything you need to do to start to thrive in your MS journey like I’m thriving with PPMS. It goes deeper than the usual nutrition and exercise and deals with in-depth modalities to address the root causes of MS and much more. This is how you dial down on inflammation, arrest it, and then start to reverse the effects of prior damage.
    • There are weekly interactive virtual question and answer sessions which double as a support group in actuality and help tie everything together from the module for that week. 
    • The course & live components are accompanied by community access away from social media but with the same features, and all on the same website. It’s an MS haven that you didn’t know existed but you want to be a part of, and the missing part of your MS recovery journey. We are waiting for you to join us.

    Here are some of the ways we can help you…

    We deal with MINDSET

    We do a restructuring of your mindset where you learn to let go of thought patterns and beliefs that encourage and propagate chronic illness.

    Then we deal with HABITS

    You learn to let go of habits that no longer serve you and adopt new habits that support healing and wellness, as well as maintain them.


    We introduce different holistic healing modalities that help to rid your body of what does not belong in it, and help build the body back up.

    Ready to dive in now? Go ahead and book a call to get your personalized game plan. Not quite ready just yet? Then take the MS symptoms solutions quiz for quick tips that you can dive into right away, so you can stop the decline in your quality of life, and instead start to thrive despite MS, just like I’m thriving with PPMS.

    If we do not arrest the process of inflammation in your body now, not only is your MS course likely to progress, but there is a great likelihood that you will develop other autoimmune diseases along the way. We don’t want that to happen. What we want is to reverse what’s already happened and get you to start thriving with MS!

    Let’s Start To Reverse The Inflammatory Process NOW!

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    PPMS Research
    PPMS Research

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