PPMS Research

PPMS Research

There appears to be a paucity of primary progressive multiple sclerosis PPMS research. So I have decided to compile a list of what I have, so that anyone like me who is interested can hop on board with whichever one fits. So far since my diagnosis, I’ve been...
The Disc Herniation Saga

The Disc Herniation Saga

We need to have a convo about the disc herniation saga that occurred very recently. Grab a drink, will ya? Not that drink! 🤣 [Full disclosure, I wrote this last year and never posted it. Then I actually had another episode this year. As in, the last 2 months. That...
Is Keto a Trigger Word for Vegans?

Is Keto a Trigger Word for Vegans?

After a certain conversation in the not-so-distant past, I’m triggered by the word Keto now! I don’t know if I will ever use the word again. I’ll just say K instead. The exchange was unsettling at first, which later became interesting to me. Get a...

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